
Economic Systems

There are three basic layers of economic activity in Ludopolis:
  • civic facilities, such as housing and workplaces, controlled by the player
  • production and consumption of goods by citizens
  • trade between cities, controlled by the trading families
a basic view of economic relationships
Read on to explore the concepts of supply and demand, price, trading families, and example strategies for shaping economic history.

Supply and Demand

Every city in Ludopolis demands different amounts of various commodities:
  • more people demand more food, durable goods, and luxuries
  • many industries require input goods: it takes 8963656wood to make 7695358furniture, 3095363wheat to make 13092524flour, 6236618wool to make 16700322yarn
  • construction projects require building materials
  • many ships require 8963656wood for maintenance
  • traders may export goods to other cities


When there is not enough of a good, its price rises. When there is too much, its price falls.

Because there is no official currency in the Ludopolis economic system, all prices are relative. Arbitrage between various commodities and prices in various cities is the path towards profit. The maximum spread of prices in a city is 20 times the least expensive good.

Centres of trade tend to have more stable prices. Its traders are quick to capitalise on price variations. Cities without many traders tend to have greater fluctuations of price, as traders may come and go cyclically, attracted by extreme price differences.

In addition to affecting trade between cities, prices can also affect consumption within a city. A low price of work may decrease the city's ability to buy luxuries, durable goods, and even food.


Trading companies in Ludopolis each have a mind of their own. Some of them have regular routes and stock the same items every year. Others may frequently try different cities and commodities, looking for new opportunities. Merchants that operate at a loss quickly go out of business. Merchants that make a profit may sometimes spawn their own family trading empires.

Successful trader families form the heart of a vibrant culture, keeping cities happier and quickly increasing the city's culture rating.

Among the various vices and virtues that trader families can develop is an interest in high society. This has no effect on a city, but for an experienced player, a city's dominant family can provide some clues about the history of trade in a region.

See Also: