
Durable Goods

Durable goods are household items, such as clothes and furniture, that gradually need to be replaced. Durable goods keep citizens happy and attract citizens from other cities. As an example of how the satisfaction level of a durable good works, pretend that you have a city of 60k people with 10 clothes and 3 shoes:
  • the city only needs 6 clothes, and derives 26% satisfaction
  • the shoes serves only 45k (3/4 of the city) and contributes 12% to satisfaction (it would have been 16% with enough shoes)
  • the city has a 38% durable goods satisfaction rating
People tend to stock up on goods and the satisfaction rating can only change by 5% every year, so the actual durable goods satisfaction rating in a city usually won't reflect the goods available on the market that year.
Clothesweight: 6 decay: 5%
Potteryweight: 40 decay: 1%
Shoesweight: 10 decay: 3%
Furnitureweight: 70 decay: 2%
Medicineweight: 5 decay: 6%
Instrumentweight: 5 decay: 3%
Leatherweight: 100 decay: 4%
Yarnweight: 2 decay: 8%
Woolweight: 20 decay: 7%