Publicspace Terrain |
| |
 | Needs: work .5 | Cairns create more public space. Only the first one operates effectively. |
Makes: hangout 8 |
Build cost: work 10 |
This is: publicspace, unique |
Build on: land | Culture needed: 0 |
 | Needs: work 2 | Parks create more public space. Only the first one operates effectively. |
Makes: hangout 22 |
Build cost: work 10 rock 3 |
This is: publicspace, unique |
Build on: Cairn | Culture needed: 10 |
 | Needs: work 3 | Plazas create more public space. Only the first one operates effectively.
Award: The first player to build this terrain is awarded 500 points. |
Makes: hangout 33 |
Build cost: work 5 rock 10 brick 6 |
This is: publicspace, unique |
Build on: Park | Culture needed: 22 |
 | Needs: work 6 | Scriptory creates more public space. Only the first one operates effectively.
Award: The first player to build this terrain is awarded 2000 points. |
Makes: hangout 80 books 1 |
Build cost: work 30 books 30 rock 20 |
This is: publicspace, unique |
Build on: Plaza | Culture needed: 30 |
 | Needs: work 5 balm 1 | Cafes create more public space. Only the first one operates effectively.
Award: The first player to build this terrain is awarded 1000 points. |
Makes: hangout 60 |
Build cost: work 12 brick 10 rock 8 wood 5 bread 40 pottery 40 |
This is: publicspace, unique |
Build on: Plaza | Culture needed: 40 |
 | Needs: work 60 clothes 1 | Theatres create theatre and more public space. Only the first one operates effectively.
Award: The first player to build this terrain is awarded 3000 points. |
Makes: theatre 100 hangout 115 |
Build cost: work 400 wood 20 brick 5 instrument 1 copper 2 |
This is: manufactory, publicspace, unique, industry |
Build on: Plaza | Culture needed: 72 |
 | Needs: work 50 instrument .5 | Orchestras create music and more public space. Only the first one operates effectively.
Award: The first player to build this terrain is awarded 3000 points. |
Makes: music 100 hangout 115 |
Build cost: work 300 rock 60 brick 50 wood 20 instrument 10 |
This is: manufactory, publicspace, unique, industry |
Build on: Plaza | Culture needed: 75 |