
Rebel Terrains

Rebels run their own cities and do what they like: lowering their workdays, founding new cities, heckling neighbours at odd hours, and replacing your old edifices with their own tasteless fabrications.

The rebels say that their terrains are more effective than yours, but personally you are very sceptical of people like them — pungent-breathed besotted separatists who are all too fond of braggadocio, libel, and taking more baths than strictly necessary.

On the bright side, it's possible to obtain garlic from rebels, allowing you to grow your own garlic and bake massive amounts of pie.
Rebel Terrain


Needs: work 1
Makes: rock .5 garlic .1
This is: naturalland, rebel


Needs: work 2
Makes: housing 8 garlic 13 mutton 1
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 1%


Needs: work 2
Makes: housing 20 garlic 8
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%


Needs: work 2
Makes: housing 10 clothes 3 garlic 8
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%


Needs: work 2.5
Makes: fish 7 offence 1 trade 9
This is: water, rebel
Changes into: Water 10%


Needs: work 4
Makes: fish 9 offence 6 trade 1
This is: water, rebel
Changes into: Water 10%


Needs: work 4
Makes: fish 19 offence 0.5 trade 1
This is: water, rebel
Changes into: Water 15%

City Centre

Needs: work 10
Makes: housing 60 offence 5 trade 9 hangout 2 music 1
This is: rebel, centre, water

Rebel Fortifications

Needs: work 10
Makes: defence 15 housing 40
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%


Needs: work 10
Makes: hangout 20 ale 3 housing 20
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%

Smugglers' Alley

Needs: work 11
Makes: trade 20 housing 30
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%

City Centre

Needs: work 13
Makes: housing 130 hangout 5 trade 7 music 1 offence 5
This is: rebel, centre


Needs: work 15
Makes: garlic 70
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%

Skid Row

Needs: work 15
Makes: housing 200
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%

Barley Farm

Needs: work 17 garlic 90
Makes: ale 200
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%


Needs: work 60
Makes: offence 40
This is: reverttoprevious, rebel
Changes into: Rock 2%